

The Story

As many of you may know, crepes originated in France (sometime around 13th century). Crepe comes from the Latin word crispa, which translates to curled. Though nowadays crepes are made with wheat flour, back in the old days it was very common to make crepes with buckwheat flour, which is full of nutrients such as fiber and protein. Crepes became popular in other regions of the world as well, such as Russia and Eastern Europe. In Russia crepes are called blini, or blintsi. They are served with variety of toppings, jams, whip creams, sour cream, and even chocolate. My favorite way to eat crepe is with sour cream and a little bit of jam or honey on top to add a touch of sweetness. The texture of the crepe is very delicate, it’s also not too sweet, that’s why I think so many people love it. I hope you enjoy these crepes! Making them is not as difficult as it looks.



  • 300 g of all purpose flour

  • 500ml of whole milk

  • 1 tbsp of sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 3 eggs

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 - 1.5 cup of almost boiling water

  • 2 tbsp of butter


  1. Sift the flour

  2. In a bowl, start beating 3 eggs, add 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, half of milk’s content (250ml) . Mix well.

  3. Then add half of content of flour (150g) and keep mixing it.

  4. Then add remainder of flour and keep adding remaining milk little by little. Mix everything so that flour won’t clump.

  5. Add 3 tablespoons of oil and mix again. Let the batter rest for about 15 minutes.

  6. Now start adding very hot, almost boiling water little by little and mix very fast. Now your batter is ready. Note: the hot water helps form little holes in the pancake.

  7. Heat up nonstick pan or cast iron pan, and grease hot pan with butter. Start adding the batter from the middle and swirl around. The amount of batter you will need to add depends on the size of the pan, but usually it will be about 1/4 cup. Once the batter is ready from the bottom, flip it. You will know when its ready when the colors slightly darken on the top side. You can adjust the heat and change to medium/low so that it doesn’t burn. The pancakes cook very fast.

  8. Repeat the process until you use all the batter.

  9. Optional - once the pancake is hot, you can spread very little butter on top. Enjoy!


Apple Sharlotka